

Foul play ruled out in Cork death

Gardai investigating the sudden death of a Brazilian man found in Fermoy County Cork on Friday have...

7:53 AM - 27 Sep 2015

Foul play ruled out in Cork de...


Foul play ruled out in Cork death


7:53 AM - 27 Sep 2015

Gardai investigating the sudden death of a Brazilian man found in Fermoy County Cork on Friday have ruled out foul play.

It follows the completion of a port-mortem examination.

The 51 year old was found in his flat on Emmet Street in the town on Friday afternoon and was pronounced dead at the scene.

The man’s body was removed on Friday night to Cork University Hospital and yesterday Deputy State Pathologist, Dr Michael Curtis carried out a post-mortem to establish the cause of death.

According to a Garda spokesman, the post-mortem confirmed that there was no foul play involved in the man’s death and gardai will now prepare a file on the matter for the coroner’s court.

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