

French President to visit Dublin

The French President Francois Hollande will arrive in Ireland today for an official one day visit. T...

6:44 AM - 21 Jul 2016

French President to visit Dubl...


French President to visit Dublin


6:44 AM - 21 Jul 2016

The French President Francois Hollande will arrive in Ireland today for an official one day visit.

The trip goes ahead despite the terror attack in Nice last Thursday, in which 84 people died.

Francois Hollande will arrive in Dublin this morning for a one day visit, which will include bilateral talks with the Taoiseach.

He and Enda Kenny are expected to discuss the relationship and trade between Ireland and France, after Britain leaves the EU.

The Taoiseach will outline concerns about the kind of relationship the EU will have with Britain, given Ireland has the only land border with the UK.

Also on the agenda between the two leaders is likely to be security issues, after 84 people were killed in a terror attack in the French city of Nice last Thursday.

Francois Hollande is also expected to meet with the President Michael D Higgins, and to attend a function with the French community while he’s here.

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