

Gate Theatre Will Listen To Any Staff Affected By Sexual Harassment

The Gate Theatre is asking employees and contractors affected by sexual harassment and abuse of powe...

6:15 PM - 2 Nov 2017

Gate Theatre Will Listen To An...


Gate Theatre Will Listen To Any Staff Affected By Sexual Harassment


6:15 PM - 2 Nov 2017

The Gate Theatre is asking employees and contractors affected by sexual harassment and abuse of power to contact them.

Management say they are to appoint an independent HR advisor to handle any issues raised.

In a statement, it says it joins other theatrical institutions "to condemn the issue of sexual harassment and abuse of power in the theatre world in Ireland and internationally."

The Gate board and management say they "will listen to what people have to say".

"Our aim is to foster a safe and supportive working environment in our theatre", it says.

It says those who have been contracted by the Gate Theatre, or are in its employment, and wish to talk about concerns can contact them on

"Any experience shared will be treated in the utmost confidence", it says

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