

Gilligan challenges seizure of his properties

Lawyers for John Gilligan have argued in the Supreme Court that the Criminal Assets Bureau seized pr...

6:45 PM - 7 Jun 2016

Gilligan challenges seizure of...


Gilligan challenges seizure of his properties


6:45 PM - 7 Jun 2016

Lawyers for John Gilligan have argued in the Supreme Court that the Criminal Assets Bureau seized properties from him without a proper hearing.

John Gilligan appeared in court dressed in a grey suit along with his wife Geraldine, son Darren and daughter Tracey.

In 1996, the Criminal Assets Bureau seized three properties from Gilligan including a house beside the Jessbrook Equestrian Centre in Co. Kildare. 

Today at the Supreme Court, his legal team argued that the assets were taken without a proper hearing first to prove if they were the proceeds of crime.

Lawyers for CAB argued that this issue had not been raised before at numerous different hearings so could not be raised now.

They described it as an ‘’Alice through the looking glass’’ appeal.

Chief Justice Susan Denham criticized Gilligan's lawyers for their legal papers, saying they were in "a disgraceful state" and were adding a lot of work to the court.

John Gilligan was released from prison in 2013 after serving 17 years behind bars for drug trafficking.

In 2014 he survived after being shot at a house in Clondalkin in Dublin.

The case is due back before the Supreme Court tomorrow.

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