

Government To Reconsider Terms of 'Grace' Inquiry

The terms of reference for a Commission of Investigation have been scrapped, and are now to be repla...

2:16 PM - 8 Mar 2017

Government To Reconsider Terms...


Government To Reconsider Terms of 'Grace' Inquiry


2:16 PM - 8 Mar 2017

The terms of reference for a Commission of Investigation have been scrapped, and are now to be replaced.

Junior minister Finian McGrath has withdrawn the plans and will ask Cabinet to approve a new set later today.

It's after a Dail debate where opposition TDs voiced serious concerns that the treatment of other residents in the same foster home might not be considered.

During the debate, details of the abuse of some of those other residents was revealed.

The house also heard claims that the HSE had engaged in a conspiracy to hide details of its mishandling of the case, and seriously misled the Public Accounts Committee about the circumstances of the case.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly has this report, which some listeners may find distressing.

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