

Blue flue prospect looms

The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors say they'll meet next month to discuss possible in...

2:45 PM - 28 Sep 2016

Blue flue prospect looms


Blue flue prospect looms


2:45 PM - 28 Sep 2016

The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors say they'll meet next month to discuss possible industrial action in an ongoing row over pay - despite having said just last month that they would sign up to the Lansdowne Road Agreement.

In a statement this evening, AGSI said significant new information emerged on pay matters relating to the Lansdowne Road Agreement.

It comes as the GRA, which represents 10 thousand rank and file gardai, said it was considering options for industrial action after members unanimously voted to reject a pay offer from the Department of Justice.

AGSI President Antoinette Cunningham said the Government had done a U-turn on what was offered to them in August;

The Garda Representative Association has unanimously rejected a pay proposal from the Department of Justice.

The GRA's Central Executive Committee has been meeting in Tullamore, Co Offaly. 

The rejected proposals would have offered new recruits a €4,000 rent allowance and included a commitment to restore increments.

GRA President Ciaran O'Neill says they'll now discuss what form of industrial action to take.

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