

Half A Million Euro To Reduce Clontarf Sea Wall

Half a million euro is to be spent lowering a sea wall in Dublin, which will have to be raised again...

10:56 AM - 9 Jan 2018

Half A Million Euro To Reduce...


Half A Million Euro To Reduce Clontarf Sea Wall


10:56 AM - 9 Jan 2018

Half a million euro is to be spent lowering a sea wall in Dublin, which will have to be raised again in the future.

Councillors voted last night to reduce the height of the barrier in Clontarf by 30cm, after locals complained that it blocked sea views.

Nicole Gernon reports:

Half A Million Euro To Reduce Clontarf Sea Wall

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This long running dispute centres on a 500m section of the wall near St Anne's Park in Clontarf, which locals claim block the sea views for motorists.

The barrier will now be reduced by 30cm after Councillors voted in favour of the measure last night.

Locals have also argued that the wall's unnecessary as there's no history of flooding in this area but Green Councillor Ciaran Cuffe says we have to plan for the future as sea levels are rising.

"Sea levels are rising year on year and if we don't do something now, a lot of people are going to get their feet wet"

Around half a million euro of taxpayers money will now be spent reducing the barrier and cladding it.


And that's not the end of the issue, the reduction means it won't meet national flood protection standards and will therefore have to be raised at some point in the future, which will cost even more money.

The reduction will mean that the wall will only protect against a 1 in 100 year flood as opposed to 1 in 200 years.

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