

Half of thirtysomethings want Irish Water scrapped

OVER HALF of Irish people in their thirties want Irish Water to be disbanded and for the water charg...

7:07 PM - 27 Jan 2015

Half of thirtysomethings want...


Half of thirtysomethings want Irish Water scrapped


7:07 PM - 27 Jan 2015

OVER HALF of Irish people in their thirties want Irish Water to be disbanded and for the water charges project to be scrapped entirely.

That's the finding of a poll of thirtysomethings carried out by Behaviour & Attitudes on behalf of Today FM and the Irish Independent newspaper.

The poll finds a major opposition to the government's water charges project, as part of a broader culture of frustration at the way in which the Fine Gael-Labour coalition is running the country.

51 per cent say that not only should water charges be abandoned, but Irish Water itself should be abolished entirely.

On the other side, only 24 per cent are prepared to back the coalition's approach - saying the charges being proposed by the government are fair and reasonable.

Only 35 per cent say it is "only fair" to have to pay for household water use - suggesting that the thirtysomething generation would have trouble with any proposals for water charges, irrespective of the government's handling.

Meanwhile, in perhaps surprising findings, only one-third of people say they would be in favour of legalising cannabis.

However the poll did not ask voters about whether they would moderate this policy to allow the drug to be used for medical purposes, as the government intends to.

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