

Happy Father's Day!

Two thirds of us think the best thing about Irish dads is their protectiveness. But we're not so kee...

1:21 PM - 18 Jun 2017

Happy Father's Day!


Happy Father's Day!


1:21 PM - 18 Jun 2017

Two thirds of us think the best thing about Irish dads is their protectiveness.

But we're not so keen on dad dancing, with only 8 per cent approving of our father's moves.

The research by Tesco Mobile comes as almost 700 thousand dads celebrate Father's Day across the country today.

It also found that a quarter of us think the best thing about dads is their function as a taxi driver - on call around the clock.

Meanwhile the latest figures from the CSO show the traditional idea of a father is changing.

75 thousand dads are raising their kids as part of an unmarried couple while almost 30 thousand men are lone parents according to last year's census



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