

Heart disease and stroke kill 27 a day

27 lives are lost every day to heart disease and stroke, and 300 new cases are diagnosed every day....

2:02 PM - 27 May 2016

Heart disease and stroke kill...


Heart disease and stroke kill 27 a day


2:02 PM - 27 May 2016

27 lives are lost every day to heart disease and stroke, and 300 new cases are diagnosed every day.

The Irish Heart Foundation has a new helpline number for anyone with concerns about heart disease.

The number – 1800 25 25 50 is free from all phones here and runs daily from 9 to 5, extending to 7pm on Thursdays.

Juliette Gash reports;

 Caolan Ward (8) has had four major heart surgeries, the first when he was nine weeks old.

Almost 10,000 people die each year from cardiovascular disease (CVD)—including coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and other circulatory diseases. CVD is the most common cause of death in Ireland, accounting for 31% of all deaths. There are in the region of 90,000 people living with heart failure in Ireland. Stroke affects almost 10,000 Irish people each year and around 2,000 die as a result. More than 30,000 people are living in Ireland with a disability after stroke.

 The Irish Heart Foundation's Helpline will run daily;

  • Calls can now be made from any landline or mobile in Ireland free of charge to a new number—Freefone 1800 25 25 50
  • Immediate extended daily opening hours, with the service now operating daily from 9am to 5pm
  • Late evening opening until 7pm on Thursdays, to be expanded to other evenings later in the year
  • A new dedicated direct access email helpline—
  • An expanded digital presence, with the development of a Helpline Nurse Online Live Chat service, and moderated online forum, to be launched later in 2016


Top 5 Irish Heart Foundation/Life Pharmacy Travel Dos and Don'ts
for People living with Heart Disease or who have had a Stroke

1. DO speak to your medical advisor first before travelling—generally, it's advisable not to go on long journeys or trips abroad for six to eight weeks after a heart attack or stroke

2. DO remember to carry your identification card when travelling if you have an internal defibrillator or pacemaker, so that you can show this to security staff and ask to be hand-searched

3. DO keep extra supplies of your medication in your hand luggage in case your stowed luggage gets delayed

4. DO check out travel insurance in good time as it can take time to arrange, and travel insurance for people with pre-existing conditions can be more complex to organise

5. DO book assistance with the airport or airline well in advance, if you think you'll need support at the terminal or during the flight; try to pack lightly and use a suitcase with wheels


1. DON'T travel to places that are too hilly or undertake activities that are too vigorous unless you have fully recovered and are fit enough for that level of activity

2. DON'T travel to places where there are extreme temperatures, whether very hot or very cold, as these can put an added strain on the heart and don't travel to countries at an altitude of over 2,000 metres as the reduced air oxygen levels can cause breathlessness or angina

3. DON'T get caught in the midday sun and remember to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated

4. DON'T linger if asked to pass through an airport security system and have an internal defibrillator or pacemaker as it can interfere with your device settings—walk through at a normal pace.

5. DON'T forget to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card—this allows you to receive medical treatment at a reduced cost or sometimes for free in Europe









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