

HIQA to investigate Portlaoise Hospital

HIQA has confirmed that it will carry out an independent investigation into services at the Midlands...

3:47 PM - 6 Mar 2014

HIQA to investigate Portlaoise...


HIQA to investigate Portlaoise Hospital


3:47 PM - 6 Mar 2014

HIQA has confirmed that it will carry out an independent investigation into services at the Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise.

It comes on foot of a request from Health Minister James Reilly who told an Oireachtas inquiry that staff shortages and cutbacks could not explain the 'unacceptable' culture at Portlaoise hospital.

The Minister was discussing a recent review into the death of four babies at the hospital's maternity unit, which the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation says is the most understaffed in the country.

The Health Watchdog says its investigation will include an assessment of the culture of patient safety in Portlaoise.

Speaking at the Oireachtas Health Committee this morning, Minister Reilly was confident the investigation would help answer remaining questions;

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation carried out a survey of midwives – and found that no maternity service has the internationally recommended midwife to birth ratio.

The ratio currently varies from one midwife to 30 births, raising to 55 births in some units.

The internationally recommended ratio is one to 29.5 births.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation says Portlaoise Hospital has the worst staffed maternity unit in the country.

It currently has a ratio of 55 births to each midwife - compared to an international best practice ratio of 29.5 to one.

General Secretary of the INMO Liam Doran says that creates huge pressure for staff;












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