

Homeless Figures At An All Time High

President Michael D Higgins addresses the problem of homelessness in his Christmas message. It comes...

6:42 AM - 20 Dec 2017

Homeless Figures At An All Tim...


Homeless Figures At An All Time High


6:42 AM - 20 Dec 2017

President Michael D Higgins addresses the problem of homelessness in his Christmas message.

It comes as homeless figures have reached an all time high of 8,800 people.

Among them are more than 33-hundred children who accessed emergency accommodation services last month.

The November figures from the Housing Department show an average increase of 4 per cent on October.

As well as highlighting Ireland's homeless problem, he also addresses refugees and displaced migrants and people suffering around the world.

Meanwhile, rents are now 7 percent higher than their Celtic Tiger peak.

The latest report from the Residential Tenancies Board shows they've gone up almost 10 percent over the last year alone.

The average national rent now stands at €1,056 Euro per month, up from €965 Euro in 2016.



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