

Homeless Figures Continue To Rise

The number of homeless people in Ireland is continuing to rise, according to the latest figures from...

4:56 PM - 7 Sep 2017

Homeless Figures Continue To R...


Homeless Figures Continue To Rise


4:56 PM - 7 Sep 2017

The number of homeless people in Ireland is continuing to rise, according to the latest figures from the Department of Housing.

8,160 people, including 2,973 children, were in emergency accommodation in July of this year.

That includes 1,429 families, and is an increase of more than 200 people compared to June.

Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy says the figures show the "scale of the challenge we face".

He is holding an emergency summit on the housing crisis tomorrow, with the heads of all the country's local authorities due to attend.

There has been fresh attention on homelessness in recent days, after four homeless people died over the last week.

Sinn Féin Dublin City Councillor Daithi Doolan, meanwhile, says Minister Murphy is missing an opportunity to tackle the issue properly.

He suggested that Councillors should also have been invited to attend tomorrow's summit:

Homeless Figures Continue To Rise

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