

HSE warns of dangers of party pills

The HSE is urging young people to take extreme care with party pills after a number of people in Cor...

3:58 PM - 21 Jan 2016

HSE warns of dangers of party...


HSE warns of dangers of party pills


3:58 PM - 21 Jan 2016

The HSE is urging young people to take extreme care with party pills after a number of people in Cork became ill after taking drugs.

An 18 year old boy remains in a serious condition in hospital after taking a psychoactive substance on Monday night.

Juliette Gash reports;

The HSE issued the following statement;

"The HSE has updated its warning to members of the public, in particular to young people, following the incident in Cork on Tuesday when six young people were admitted to Cork University Hospital following the ingestion of a psychoactive substance. Specifically the warning relates to the 2C family of psychedelic phenethylamine designer drugs. These include among others, 2CB, 2CP, 2CI and its derivative 25I-NBOMe. These drugs are also known by their street names which include N Bombs, Smiles, Solaris, 25-I, INB-Meo, and Cimbi-5.

These drugs can be sold in liquid, powder and tablet form and are consumed at parties or clubs for their stimulant, mood altering and in some cases, aphrodisiac effect. However, it is generally reported that these drugs can have serious side effects both from a psychological and physical viewpoint. Such side effects include paranoia, hallucinations (both auditory and visual), gastrointestinal effects and kidney problems.

Young people are advised that there is no quality control on these drugs. There are problems with purity and contaminants, and there is no way of checking that what is purchased or consumed is the intended substance.

Given the serious side-effects experienced by the young people in Cork, the HSE Addiction services are issuing a warning about possible contaminated ‘party pills’ and advise people not to consume any unknown substances that they are offered at this time.

If you have concerns around drug use please contact the confidential HSE Drugs & Alcohol Helpline at freephone 1800 459 459 or email Information can also be accessed at"

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