

INTO Recommend Rejection of Deal

The INTO says its disappointed the latest public sector pay deal doesn't address equality for younge...

4:41 PM - 9 Jun 2017

INTO Recommend Rejection of De...


INTO Recommend Rejection of Deal


4:41 PM - 9 Jun 2017

The INTO says its disappointed the latest public sector pay deal doesn't address equality for younger workers.

The primary teachers union is asking its 36,000 members to reject the draft agreement.

Their ballot will begin next week - with the result of 20 unions' votes due by the end of the summer.

The INTO's Sheila Nunan outlines why they're rejecting the proposals:

“Notwithstanding progress to date on pay equality,” said Ms Nunan, “the recent pay talks were an opportunity to draw a line under pay discrimination and right a wrong imposed on new entrants since 2011. The agreement has failed to signal an to end pay inequality imposed by government on recent entrants.”

Ms Nunan said the INTO went into the talks to try and make progress on pay restoration, pay equality, the protection of pensions and the payment of the long standing pay award to primary principals.  “While there has been some progress in these talks, there has not been tangible progress on pay equality.”

The INTO also said primary principal teachers have been waiting more than ten years for the payment of an independently awarded pay uplift to help end some of the large pay disparity between primary and post primary principals. Ms Nunan said the proposed agreement offered little prospect of delivery on this issue within the lifetime of the agreement. “In recent years, work has intensified” said Ms Nunan, “more and more responsibility has been heaped on primary principals.”

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