

Irish comedian live tweets her period to the Taoiseach

An Irish comedian says if she can use comedy to draw attention to Ireland's abortion laws then she's...

2:33 PM - 10 Nov 2015

Irish comedian live tweets her...


Irish comedian live tweets her period to the Taoiseach


2:33 PM - 10 Nov 2015

An Irish comedian says if she can use comedy to draw attention to Ireland's abortion laws then she's ok with the critcism she gets for it.

Grainne Maguire has been live tweeting Enda Kenny details of her menstrual cycle as part of the Repeal the 8th campaign.

The eighth amendment to the Constitution affords equal rights to a mother and the foetus.

The period tweets have sparked a global response with thousands of women getting involved and the story has been covered all over the world.



The Taoiseach's twitter account has yet to respond and a spokesperson for the Taoseach says people tweet the Taoiseach all the time on all sorts of issues and are entitled to do so as thatÂ’s part and parcel of him being active on the platform.

I've been speaking to Grainne about her campaign - I began by asking her where the idea came from:


Junior Health Minister Kathleen Lynch is unsure of about this method, but says she’s never been in favour of the 8th amendment;

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