

Irish People Trust The News Media More Than The International Average

People in Ireland trust the news media more than the international average Tthe latest report by Reu...

4:51 PM - 22 Jun 2017

Irish People Trust The News Me...


Irish People Trust The News Media More Than The International Average


4:51 PM - 22 Jun 2017

People in Ireland trust the news media more than the international average

Tthe latest report by Reuters Institute and the BAI shows that 47 per cent of us have faith in our media compared to 41 per cent in other countries.

We also consume quite a lot of news here with over 70 per cent of us saying we're interested or very interested in the news.

It also shows that television is the most popular medium, while 46 per cent of us get our news from the radio.

Although around half of us are now getting our news from social media just 43 per cent think it does a good job of distinguishing fact from fiction

That's compared to 70 per cent who think the news media does a good job.

Michael O'Keefe from the BAI says people have a lot of trust in broadcasters in particular:

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