

Irish students were on J1 visa

The US Ambassador has expressed his deepest sympathies to the families of the students. Kevin O'Mall...

1:58 PM - 16 Jun 2015

Irish students were on J1 visa...


Irish students were on J1 visa


1:58 PM - 16 Jun 2015

The US Ambassador has expressed his deepest sympathies to the families of the students.

Kevin O'Malley says everyone at the US Embassy is greatly saddened by the news and are ready to do whatever they can to help the Department of Foreign Affairs.

CBS reporter Matt Bigler is at one of the 2 hospitals where those injured have been taken.

He says a number of distraught friends are there anxiously waiting for news.


The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charlie Flanagan, says up to nine other Irish students are seriously injured.

An emergency response line has been opened - anyone with concerns about friends or family in the region, should call

01- 418 0200.

Minister Flanagan says the students - who are in the United States on J1 visas - were celebrating a 21st birthday party.

He spoke to reporters just after lunchtime today 


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