

It's Leaving Cert Results Day!

It's D-Day for more than 58-thousand Leaving Cert students who'll get their results later. Their poi...

6:15 AM - 17 Aug 2016

It's Leaving Cert Results...


It's Leaving Cert Results Day!


6:15 AM - 17 Aug 2016

It's D-Day for more than 58-thousand Leaving Cert students who'll get their results later.

Their points will be available online from midday or they can collect them in person this morning.

Education Minister Richard Bruton has said it's an important day for students- and congratulated them on their results.

He's also encouraged students to consider pathways like aprenticeships and traineeships.



There's some concern over maths and science subjects - with more than 4,000 students failing the maths exam.

There was a 9 per cent failure rate for ordinary level maths.

There's also been a dramatic drop in the number of A1s awarded.

No one in the country got a perfect score of nine A1s - however 6 pupils did rack up eight A1s each.

The number getting seven A1s has halved since last year.

Students who don't get the results they want this morning are being reminded that there's plenty of options available for them to pursue their career or interest of choice.

The National Parents Council is providing a hotline staffed with guidance counsellors for those who need it on 1800 265 165.

Meanwhile thousands of students will be out celebrating tonight, they're being reminded to limit their alcohol intake and never drink and drive.

For those celebrating in the Ballyhaunis area, Joe Freeley from the Joe Maxi taxi service is offering free lifts in exchange for a donation for Pieta House.


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