

Joan Burton Faces Third Day Of Cross-Examination

Joan Burton insists she gave an honest statement on what she alleges happened to her at a water char...

4:16 PM - 2 May 2017

Joan Burton Faces Third Day Of...


Joan Burton Faces Third Day Of Cross-Examination


4:16 PM - 2 May 2017

Joan Burton insists she gave an honest statement on what she alleges happened to her at a water charge protest and that she did so in good faith.

She’s being cross-examined for a third day in the trial of seven men - including Solidarity TD Paul Murphy - accused of falsely imprisoning her in Jobstown while she was Tánaiste in 2014.

Her Garda statement made no reference to water charge protesters but she denied leaving it out deliberately to paint a picture of a “disorganised rabble”.

She said she wasn’t asked her view on why she was targeted and claimed she became upset when she had to relive what happened that day.

It is the prosecution’s case that Deputy Burton and her adviser were effectively trapped in two Garda vehicles for up to three hours.

Deputy Murphy and his co-accused deny all the charges.

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