

Judge Indicates Intention To Execute Warrant For Bailey Arrest

A High Court judge has indicated his intention to execute a warrant for Ian Bailey’s arrest. Mr. Bai...

11:28 AM - 21 Mar 2017

Judge Indicates Intention To E...


Judge Indicates Intention To Execute Warrant For Bailey Arrest


11:28 AM - 21 Mar 2017

A High Court judge has indicated his intention to execute a warrant for Ian Bailey’s arrest.

Mr. Bailey is wanted in France to stand trial for the voluntary homicide of Sophie Toscan du Plantier.

The French filmmaker’s body was found near her holiday home in west Cork in 1996 but nobody has ever been charged over her death.

Today, Mr. Justice Tony Hunt said he believed he would endorse the warrant unless Mr. Bailey comes up with something to convince him otherwise.

He agreed to adjourn the matter until next week so as not to unfairly impinge on Mr. Bailey ahead of a civil appeal.

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