

Kenny: North border controls 'inevitable' under Brexit

Enda Kenny's warned that border checks with Northern Ireland are inevitable if a so-called 'Brexit'...

4:28 PM - 10 Jun 2016

Kenny: North border controls &...


Kenny: North border controls 'inevitable' under Brexit


4:28 PM - 10 Jun 2016

Enda Kenny's warned that border checks with Northern Ireland are inevitable if a so-called 'Brexit' goes ahead.

The Taoiseach says that while a common travel area will remain, border controls would be unavoidable for customs reasons:

He made the comments as he announced plans to visit Britain next week to speak to Irish communities ahead of the referendum - in a tour that will take in Liverpool, Manchester and Glasgow.

Next Friday he will share a stage with British prime minister David Cameron at an Irish community centre in Manchester.

He says Ireland has made it clear what outcome it wants - but it won't try to lecture British voters:


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