

Majority favour allowing abortion after rape or incest

A new nationwide opinion poll has found almost eight in ten people support relaxing the ban on abort...

1:11 PM - 21 Jan 2016

Majority favour allowing abort...


Majority favour allowing abortion after rape or incest


1:11 PM - 21 Jan 2016

A new nationwide opinion poll has found almost eight in ten people support relaxing the ban on abortion, in cases of rape or incest.

The Red C poll also found a majority in favour of allowing terminations in cases of fatal foetal abnormality.

However the poll commissioned by Newstalk found that a majority of adults are against legalising abortion on demand.

41% of respondents said they favoured allowing abortion in any circumstances desired by a prospective mother, but 56% were opposed with the small remainder undecided or declining to answer.

Meanwhile 59% of respondents supported abortion in cases where the mother was suicidal - which is already permitted under Irish law.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report:

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