

Man Found Dead In Suspicious Circumstances In West Cork

A post mortem is due to be carried out today on the body of a 51 year man who died in suspicious cir...

6:46 AM - 26 Sep 2017

Man Found Dead In Suspicious C...


Man Found Dead In Suspicious Circumstances In West Cork


6:46 AM - 26 Sep 2017

A post mortem is due to be carried out today on the body of a 51 year man who died in suspicious circumstances in West Cork.

The remains of the man, named locally as Englishman John Ustic, were found in a house in Skibbereen by his partner yesterday morning.

She contacted emergency services just after 9 o'clock. It was apparent that he had a number of injuries and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

A car park opposite the house was cordoned off after reports that Mr Ustik was seen there being helped by two men and a woman at around 8PM on Sunday night.

It's understood that gardai are examining the theory that he was assaulted in the car park, or that he may have fallen.

Officers carried out door to door inquiries last night to see if anyone heard any disturbances and to try to trace his movements before returning home on Sunday.

A post mortem is due to be carried out today and Gardai say the direction of the investigation will be dictated by the results

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