

Members of banking inquiry team to pass a 'bias test'

  The Communications minister says a “bias test” for members of the Oireachtas who want to sit on th...

7:26 AM - 22 Jan 2014

Members of banking inquiry tea...


Members of banking inquiry team to pass a 'bias test'


7:26 AM - 22 Jan 2014


The Communications minister says a “bias test” for members of the Oireachtas who want to sit on the Banking Inquiry is crucial to protect prosecutions against senior bank officials

The test will ensure that any politician who wants to probe the banking crisis - has not  made any prejudicial comments about potential witnesses.

The idea has been put forward to make sure there is no legal challenge.

The test will ensure that members of the inquiry team have not made prejudicial comments about potential witnesses.

A new committee will be set up to carry out the inquiry and work will begin in May - however it's likely to spend a number of months carrying out preparatory work and is unlikely to call any witnesses for a number of months.

Minister Pat Rabbitte says the inquiry is important - but the public won't be served by having trials thrown out of court


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