

MEPs back resolution calling for Halawa's release

The European Parliament has overwhelmingly backed a resolution calling for the release of Dubliner I...

10:30 AM - 17 Dec 2015

MEPs back resolution calling f...


MEPs back resolution calling for Halawa's release


10:30 AM - 17 Dec 2015

The European Parliament has overwhelmingly backed a resolution calling for the release of Dubliner Ibrahim Halawa.

Ibrahim was arrested 3 years ago for taking part in anti-government protests and has been held without trial.

A motion, calling on the Egyptian authorities to set him free, was debated in the European Parliament this morning.

MEPs voted in favour by 566 votes to 11, with 46 abstentions.

During the debate, Sinn Fein MEP Lynn Boylan read out a note Ibrahim smuggled out of jail:

Halawa's trial was called off for the 10th time this week since his arrest.

His trial has been moved to Saturday 19th of December, and he is facing the death penalty for his involvement in the protests.

Family, politicians and international organisations such as Amnesty International are calling for his release.

Mr Halawa recently turned 20 and a candle lit vigil was held outside the Eygptian embassy in Dublin on Sunday to mark the occasion.

Supporters have joined Amnesty Ireland in showing their support for his release.

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