

Mexico Rescue Teams Work Through The Night

Rescue teams have been working through the night to help those trapped under rubble following an ear...

7:00 AM - 21 Sep 2017

Mexico Rescue Teams Work Throu...


Mexico Rescue Teams Work Through The Night


7:00 AM - 21 Sep 2017

Rescue teams have been working through the night to help those trapped under rubble following an earthquake in Mexico.

The 7.1 magnitude tremor is known to have killed at least 230 people.

A delicate operation is ongoing to free a young girl from her collapsed school after her moving fingers were spotted.

Local TV reported that rescuers spotted the child on Wednesday and a search dog entered the wreckage and confirmed she was alive.

Some students who are stuck have been communicating to parents on Whatsapp.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has declared three days of national mourning - but says the race to pull out survivors was still the priority.

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