

Minister: Next Commissioner's job should be 'important to Ireland'

A cabinet minister has said she expects the next Irish EU Commissioner to be given a job which is sp...

1:19 PM - 27 Jun 2014

Minister: Next Commissioner...


Minister: Next Commissioner's job should be 'important to Ireland'


1:19 PM - 27 Jun 2014

A cabinet minister has said she expects the next Irish EU Commissioner to be given a job which is specifically important to Ireland.

Frances Fitzgerald says the next Irish Commissioner should get a role which Ireland itself considers important.

"Undoubtedly the Taoiseach will be ensuring that both the very best person is appointed," she said today, "and that the role that person will play as Commissioner will be critical to Ireland's interests.

"No doubt that will be something the Taoiseach will give extreme consideration to, in terms of making sure that the best person... that they play the best role for Ireland in Europe after that appointment is made."

Minister Fitzgerald's comments come as European leaders meet in Brussels to decide who the President of the next Commission should be.

Former Luxembourg president Jean-Claude Juncker is the hot favourite - but there remains a slim chance that Enda Kenny could be asked to take the job.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports.

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