

Most common scary dream is of falling

When darkness descends this Halloween night, the scariest things you'll face could be inside your ow...

2:11 PM - 31 Oct 2016

Most common scary dream is of...


Most common scary dream is of falling


2:11 PM - 31 Oct 2016

When darkness descends this Halloween night, the scariest things you'll face could be inside your own head.

Jurys Inn has compiled new research on the nation's nastiest nightmares, showing that a chilling 82 per cent of Irish people suffer from bad dreams.

The most common nightmare experienced by Irish people is that of falling.

One in four of us regularly jump awake having dreamt that we have fallen, while a further 23 per cent dream about being chased.


13 per cent of us dream regularly about our teeth falling out, closely followed by nightmares of being trapped, failing an exam, or missing an important event.

The hotel group has compiled a Sweet Dreamer Guide to help banish bad dreams this Halloween.

It includes advice NOT to sleep on your back, to write a to-do list before bed, and to set up a soothing bedtime playlist.

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