

New York Times puts this on the front page

A mural installed on South Great Georges Street in Dublin showing two men in an embrace has been rep...

8:34 AM - 20 May 2015

New York Times puts this on th...


New York Times puts this on the front page


8:34 AM - 20 May 2015

A mural installed on South Great Georges Street in Dublin showing two men in an embrace has been reproduced on the front page of the International edition of the New York Times.

The mural by Joe Caslin covers 7 storeys of the building and was undertaken to promote a Yes vote in the Marriage referendum on Friday.

Today's New York Times says Ireland is poised to 'quietly' take up same sex marriage.


A photo posted by joecaslin (@joecaslin) on May 19, 2015 at 11:11pm PDT

The article goes on to say the vote on Friday is seen as a reflection of social upheaval and the waning power of the church. However it does warn the outcome of the referendum is by no mean certain.

There has been huge international interest in the vote in Ireland.  If the amendment passes, Ireland will become the first country to legalize same-sex civil marriage by popular vote.

The NYT says

"The referendum’s very consideration, and the relative civility of the discourse, are a measure of the waning power of the church, which has seen its pews empty after the clerical pedophile scandals and amid rising secularism."


The article makes the point that while  polls are showing the Yes side will win

'there is widespread acknowledgment that this is the kind of issue that polls cannot always accurately gauge'

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