

Tensions Escalate Between The Us And North Korea

North Korea says it is "carefully examining" a plan to bomb a US territory - after Donald Trump issu...

6:54 AM - 9 Aug 2017

Tensions Escalate Between The...


Tensions Escalate Between The Us And North Korea


6:54 AM - 9 Aug 2017

North Korea says it is "carefully examining" a plan to bomb a US territory - after Donald Trump issued an ultimatum.

Yesterday, President Trump said any threats to the US by Pyongyang would be met with "fire and fury like the world has never seen":

Tensions Escalate Between The Us And North Korea

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The US president's comments came after reports indicated that intelligence officials believe North Korea has developed a nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles.

North Korea, meanwhile, says it's examining a plan to strike the US Pacific territory of Guam - the site of an American military base.

State-run media also carried a statement indicating that the country would consider a pre-emptive operation if the US shows signs of provocation.

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