

North's leaders insist on open border in Brexit meeting with May

The Northern Secretary says there is a 'shared will' not to see a return to a hard border in Ireland...

5:22 PM - 24 Oct 2016

North's leaders insist on...


North's leaders insist on open border in Brexit meeting with May


5:22 PM - 24 Oct 2016

The Northern Secretary says there is a 'shared will' not to see a return to a hard border in Ireland after Brexit.

James Brokenshire's comments come after British Prime Minister Teresa May met First Minister Arlene Foster, Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness and leaders of the Scottish and Welsh governments.

She has promised them a direct line to the Brexit secretary as Britain prepares to trigger its departure by next Spring.

Speaking after her meeting in Downing Street, Arlene Foster says this will not be easy:


Meanwhile, Scotland's First Minister says her meeting with Theresa May about the UK leaving the EU was "deeply frustrating".

Mrs Sturgeon wants more progress, especially on trade:


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