

Partial Settlement Reached In Berkeley Balcony Collapse Case

A partial settlement has been reached in the case of the Berkeley balcony collapse. Five Irish stude...

7:32 PM - 5 May 2017

Partial Settlement Reached In...


Partial Settlement Reached In Berkeley Balcony Collapse Case


7:32 PM - 5 May 2017

A partial settlement has been reached in the case of the Berkeley balcony collapse.

Five Irish students and one Irish-American woman lost their lives on the 16th of June 2015, when a fifth-floor balcony collapsed during 21st birthday celebrations.

Eoghan Culligan, Niccolai Schuster, Lorcán Miller, Eimear Walsh, Olivia Burke and Olivia's Irish-American cousin Ashley Donohoe were all killed in the collapse.

Seven others were injured in the incident.

The legal team representing them have agreed to settlement terms with a number of defendants involved in the design and construction of the balcony.

In a statement this evening, Attorney Matthew Davis said it will never restore health or life but reflects an element of justice from the wrongdoers for the deaths and serious injuries caused by the tragedy.

The details of the settlement have not been made public.

Legal action is continuing against other defendants including the apartment complex's corporate owner and property manager.

A trial date has been set for early 2018.




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