

Parties campaign ahead of last election TV debate tonight

The four major party leaders will tonight take part in the last TV debate of the election campaign....

7:41 AM - 23 Feb 2016

Parties campaign ahead of last...


Parties campaign ahead of last election TV debate tonight


7:41 AM - 23 Feb 2016

The four major party leaders will tonight take part in the last TV debate of the election campaign.

The RTE debate will be the culmination of the second-last full day of campaigning. The debate with Enda Kenny, Joan Burton, Micheal Martin and Gerry Adams will get underway at 9:30pm.

But before that the parties will be continuing with their election campaigns.

Fine Gael will detail its plans to double the number of people in apprenticeships by 2020, while Fianna Fáil will publish its proposals to improve pension provision.

Sinn Féin will argue against the abolition of Universal Social Charge, while Labour will launch its sports policy - with Johnny Giles due to make a guest appearance.

Smaller parties are excluded from tonight’s debate - something they object to - but are meanwhile also continuing their campaigns.

Renua will launch a document on housing and homelessness, the Social Democrats will launch its youth manifesto, the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit will publish a bill to repeal the 8th Amendment on abortion, and the Greens will publish plans to deal with climate change.

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