

Pat Balfe To Join The PPI Radio Awards Hall of Fame

The man responsible for bringing Ireland’s FAVORITE national music, news, and sports radio station s...

12:28 PM - 16 Sep 2015

Pat Balfe To Join The PPI Radi...


Pat Balfe To Join The PPI Radio Awards Hall of Fame


12:28 PM - 16 Sep 2015

The man responsible for bringing Ireland’s FAVORITE national music, news, and sports radio station straight to the home of many, Pat Balfe, Today FM’s Chief Technology Officer, will join the PPI Radio Awards Hall of Fame alongside previous recipients such as the late Tony Fenton and Gift Grub’s Mario Rosenstock.

Very few people can be described as having dedicated their life to radio but Pat Balfe is one. Pat is the technical power-house in Today FM and regarded as one of the best technical experts in the entire industry. A radio nut at heart, Pat commands huge respect from his peers and fellow professionals.

“Ring Pat Balfe” is shorthand for all and any emergencies in radio land.  In the midst of any crisis you will often see a calm Pat Balfe walk into the room as chaos ensues. No problem is too big or too small for Pat and his impact and influence on the radio sector cannot be over-stated.  He is one of life’s true gentlemen.

The Radio Awards Hall of Fame is known as the highest esteem within the radio industry of Ireland. Inductees are chosen by the PPI Radio Awards committee and their peers, for skills in broadcasting plus love and dedication to radio in Ireland.

Nominated for their services to the radio industry, this year they come from both in front of and behind the mic and from both the North and South of Ireland.

Pat Balfe will be officially welcomed into the Hall of Fame at a ceremony to be held this Friday 18th September at the BAI, Dublin Offices, at 5.30pm.

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