

VIDEO #PlaneSailing from Shannon to Sligo

A Boeing 767 will be brought ashore in Eniscrone tomorrow morning after being brought from Shannon t...

2:24 PM - 6 May 2016

VIDEO #PlaneSailing from Shann...


VIDEO #PlaneSailing from Shannon to Sligo


2:24 PM - 6 May 2016

A Boeing 767 will be brought ashore in Eniscrone tomorrow morning after being brought from Shannon to Sligo by Sea.

The plane was bought by Sligo entrepreneur David Mc Gowan who wants to use it as a feature attraction in his Glamping park.  But he discovered it's not that easy to transport an aircraft by road and opted for a route by sea.



Here she is setting out from Shannon airport.

The landing will be broadcast live on a special Anton Savage Show at 11 am.

Here's a rundown of her journey so far.


Huge crowds are expected in Eniscrone when she makes landfall tomorrow.

People along the west coast have been tracking the plane's progress since it left Shannon yesterday.





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