

Report Into Rio Tickets Gets Green Light

A report into the Olympic Council's handling of tickets has been cleared for release, but could take...

5:35 PM - 26 Jul 2017

Report Into Rio Tickets Gets G...


Report Into Rio Tickets Gets Green Light


5:35 PM - 26 Jul 2017

A report into the Olympic Council's handling of tickets has been cleared for release, but could take up to two weeks to publish.

Ministers today signed off on the release of the report by Justice Carroll Moran, which had been delayed due to legal issues.

It's understood that former OCI president Pat Hickey had complained that the release of the report could interfere with his defence against criminal proceedings in Brazil.

The report will be published within the next fortnight, just short of the anniversary of Mr Hickey's arrest in Rio on ticket touting charges.

He was questioned by officials and spent some time in a maximum security prison.

He was freed from prison two weeks later and put under house arrest, before returning to Ireland in December last year.

Mr Hickey has denied all charges against him.

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