

Revenue's phone lines under pressure

Householders have until 8 o'clock tomorrow night to tell the Revenue Commissioners how they'll be pa...

1:17 PM - 6 Jan 2015

Revenue's phone lines unde...


Revenue's phone lines under pressure


1:17 PM - 6 Jan 2015

Householders have until 8 o'clock tomorrow night to tell the Revenue Commissioners how they'll be paying the property tax this year.

Revenue says customers can register online or over the phone - although they'll need to have their property ID in order to do so.

Anyone who paid last year's tax through salary deductions, or via direct debit, does not need to take any action - and last year's arrangements will continue into the New Year. 

But if you wish to pay by cash contributions throughout the year, or change the way in which you pay, you'll have to get in contact before tomorrow evening's deadline.

And as our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports, the helpline was under heavy strain this lunchtime.

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