

Ronan apologises for Nazi phrase

Property developer Johnny Ronan has publicly apologised for using the phrase 'Arbeit macht frei' in...

7:35 AM - 27 Sep 2015

Ronan apologises for Nazi phra...


Ronan apologises for Nazi phrase


7:35 AM - 27 Sep 2015

Property developer Johnny Ronan has publicly apologised for using the phrase 'Arbeit macht frei' in his Banking Inquiry evidence.

The businessman signed off his submission with the Nazi slogan meaning 'work will set you free'.

The sentence was infamously displayed over the entrance to concentration camps in World War Two.

During the week former Justice Minister Alan Shatter led numerous calls for Mr Ronan to apologise.

He finally issued a statement overnight saying any offence was genuinely unintended.

Mr Ronan went on to claim the anger he feels over his treatment by NAMA is not comparable with the horrors perpetrated by the Nazi regime.

He has written to the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry to have the offending phrase removed.

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