

Sean Spicer Claims To Be 'One Of The Most Popular Guys In Ireland'

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer has suggested he is "one of the most popular guys in...

3:39 PM - 6 Sep 2017

Sean Spicer Claims To Be '...


Sean Spicer Claims To Be 'One Of The Most Popular Guys In Ireland'


3:39 PM - 6 Sep 2017

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer has suggested he is "one of the most popular guys in Ireland".

Despite announcing his resignation in July, Mr Spicer officially finished up at the White House last week.

Only days after his departure, it has been confirmed that he has now signed up with Worldwide Speakers Group, and will focus on paid speaking appearances.

In an interview with Axios, Mr Spicer suggested he is particularly popular in Ireland - and indicated that paid appearances here and in the UK are very much under consideration.

"The US press briefing had become part of their nightly viewing," he told journalist Mike Allen.

"It was a prime-time show from Europe to the Middle East... I'm one of the most popular guys in Ireland."

From Donald Trump's first day in office, Mr Spicer's combative press briefings attracted thousands of viewers around the world - and his manner was memorably parodied by Melissa McCarthy on Saturday Night Live.

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