

Searches Resume In Mayo For Missing Rescue 116 Crewmen

A search of the seabed around Blackrock Island in Mayo is taking place today for the missing crew of...

11:37 AM - 17 Jul 2017

Searches Resume In Mayo For Mi...


Searches Resume In Mayo For Missing Rescue 116 Crewmen


11:37 AM - 17 Jul 2017

A search of the seabed around Blackrock Island in Mayo is taking place today for the missing crew of Rescue helicopter 116.

The Garda Water Unit is working with the specially adapted fishing vessel, 'MSV Westbound' near Blackrock Island off the north Mayo coast. 

The bodies of Captains Dara Fitzpatrick and Mark Duffy were found shortly after the chopper crashed in March - but there's no trace of winchmen Paul Ormsby and Ciaran Smith.

Garda diving teams are on standby to assist in the search and it is hoped sonar equipment and a special underwater camera attached to the fishing vessel will help in locating any human remains. 

Photo-Journalist Fergus Sweeney - who's based in Blacksod - is at the scene:

“Four months now has passed since the actual accident itself so I guess with the kind of weather conditions that have been in the area over the last couple of months, anything that might have been trapped below the surface may have come loose in that time," he said.

"It may have spread out so they just want to explore that avenue – the possibility that with the time period that has passed that some more clues from Rescue 116 might have been released.

The search was originally due to take place over the weekend, however bad weather hampered the operation.

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