

Security boosted across France

The French government is increasing security across the country - after being criticised following y...

5:52 PM - 27 Jul 2016

Security boosted across France


Security boosted across France


5:52 PM - 27 Jul 2016

The French government is increasing security across the country - after being criticised following yesterday's murder of a priest.

An explosion is also being investigated in southern Germany - the latest in a spate of attacks across France and Germany.

23 thousand extra police and security staff will now be on duty at events across France.

That's boosted by thousands of French people signing up to become Reservists - according to it's Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve.

Authorities are facing questions about how a terror suspect was free to murder a priest as he delivered morning mass yesterday in northern France.

Jonathon Miller is a former Sunday Times journalist and is now a city councillor in southern France.

Meanwhile in Germany, a suitcase containing a number of spray cans has exploded outside a refugee centre in Zirndorf.

There are no reports of any injuries.

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