

Single group to co-ordinate Shannon flood threat

A single co-ordination group is to be set up to oversee the flood management plans for 66 areas alon...

1:13 PM - 5 Jan 2016

Single group to co-ordinate Sh...


Single group to co-ordinate Shannon flood threat


1:13 PM - 5 Jan 2016

A single co-ordination group is to be set up to oversee the flood management plans for 66 areas along the River Shannon.

The measure is being discussed at a crisis meeting this lunchtime of all the agencies responsible for the river and nearby areas.

Ministers this afternoon are also set to agree more funding to deal with the impact of the continued flooding on Ireland's roads and farms.

This afternoon environment minister Alan Kelly is set to seek another €50m in funding to deal with the clean-up operations, and for repairs to roads across the affected areas.

Agriculture minister Simon Coveney is also expected to seek extra funding for compensation programmes for farmers who are affected by the persistent rainfall.

Fianna Fáil says today's meeting of Shannon agencies should have taken place at least three weeks ago.

Environment spokesman Barry Cowen has already called for a single Shannon authority to deal with flooding - he says the government should have acted sooner.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports:

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