

Sinn Fein To Wait On Motion Of No Confidence In Tainiste

Sinn Féin say they’ll wait until this afternoon to decide whether to declare no confidence in the Ta...

7:14 AM - 23 Nov 2017

Sinn Fein To Wait On Motion Of...


Sinn Fein To Wait On Motion Of No Confidence In Tainiste


7:14 AM - 23 Nov 2017

Sinn Féin say they’ll wait until this afternoon to decide whether to declare no confidence in the Tanaiste.

The party says Frances Fitzgerald still has questions to answer regarding the Maurice McCabe controversy, and expects her to answer them during leaders’ questions this afternoon.

Last night Minister Fitzgerald said she’d received fresh legal advice that her course of action, not to interfere in the O’Higgins inquiry, was the right one.

But Sinn Féin Senator Niall O’Donnelle said she hadn’t done enough for whistleblowers;

Sinn Fein To Wait On Motion Of No Confidence In Tainiste

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