

Sinn Féin Is Second Most Popular Party, Overtaking Fine Gael

Sinn Féin's overtaken Fine Gael and is now the second most popular party in the country according to...

9:22 PM - 11 Mar 2017

Sinn Féin Is Second Most Popul...


Sinn Féin Is Second Most Popular Party, Overtaking Fine Gael


9:22 PM - 11 Mar 2017

Sinn Féin's overtaken Fine Gael and is now the second most popular party in the country according to a new poll to be published tomorrow.

The Behaviour and Attitudes Survey for tomorrow's Sunday Times shows a significant fall in support for Fianna Fáil, but they retain a significant lead.


This poll was conducted over nine days up to March 8th and has a margin of error of 3.3%.

Fianna Fáil loses four points to 28%, remaining the most popular party in the country.

But Sinn Féin gains a similar four points to be on 23%, their highest ever in a B and A poll and for the first time go ahead of Fine Gael, who do gain a point to 22 percent.

Labour's unchanged on 6 with the Independent Alliance on a similar rating, up 1

The AAA/PBP are down 1 to 2, with the Greens on 2 unchanged.

The Social Democrats drop 1 to 1, with others unchanged on 9.

Satisfaction with the government drops 3 points to 26%, with all party leaders seeing a drop in ratings.

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