

Spike in racism in UK following Brexit

The Immigrant Council of Ireland says it's monitoring the situation here closely after a spike in ra...

12:54 PM - 29 Jun 2016

 Spike in racism in UK followi...


Spike in racism in UK following Brexit


12:54 PM - 29 Jun 2016

The Immigrant Council of Ireland says it's monitoring the situation here closely after a spike in racism in the UK following Brexit.

The fallout from the British vote to leave the EU has triggered an increase in racist incidents with eyewitnesses taking to social media to describe abuse they've encountered.

Immigrants have reported being verbally abused in public using the hashtag Post Ref Racism on Twitter and Facebook.


Meanwhile - two men who were arrested after a US Army veteran was racially abused on a tram in Manchester have now been bailed.

Susan Keogh has been speaking to Teresa Buczkowska from the Immigrant Council of Ireland.

She says it's an extremely worrying trend and they'll be keeping a close eye on the situation here: 


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