

St Patrick's Day Parades Take Place Across Country

Tens of thousands of people are attending St Patrick's Day parades in Ireland and around the world....

2:01 PM - 17 Mar 2018

St Patrick's Day Parades T...


St Patrick's Day Parades Take Place Across Country


2:01 PM - 17 Mar 2018

Tens of thousands of people are attending St Patrick's Day parades in Ireland and around the world.

Dublin is home to the largest parade, with hundreds of thousands expected to have taken to the streets. 

Photo: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill was the international guest of honour, watching festivities from the presidential stand.

Mark Hamill and President of Ireland Michael D Higgins during the St Patrick's day parade on the streets of Dublin. Picture by: Brian Lawless/PA Wire/PA Images

Other cities, both in the Republic and in the North, have also seen large numbers of spectators and marchers take to the streets to mark the occasion.

Of course it's not just Ireland... parades are also being held around the world to celebrate the day.

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