

Storm Desmond:Army Sent to Cork And Kerry

The Defence Forces have been called in to help combat the affects of Storm Desmond. Red weather aler...

9:43 PM - 5 Dec 2015

Storm Desmond:Army Sent to Cor...


Storm Desmond:Army Sent to Cork And Kerry


9:43 PM - 5 Dec 2015

The Defence Forces have been called in to help combat the affects of Storm Desmond.

Red weather alerts remain in place with 60 millimetres predicted to fall in some parts.

Up to 100 millimetres fell overnight in the north west.

Tonight members of the army have been sent to Cork and Kerry to help with flood defences and the transport of medical staff.

Elsewhere power has been restored to 12,000 properties across the country.

Power lines where knocked in several locations and ESB crews have been out since first light in an attempt to restore supply.

Approximately 700 premises remain without electricity tonight.

It will be the early hours of tomorrow morning before Storm Desmond passes.

Also over a hundred flights were either cancelled or delayed at Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports today.

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