

Sympathies expressed to families of fire tragedy

Political, church and community leaders have expressed their shock at the Carrickmines tragedy. They...

1:52 PM - 10 Oct 2015

Sympathies expressed to famili...


Sympathies expressed to families of fire tragedy


1:52 PM - 10 Oct 2015

Political, church and community leaders have expressed their shock at the Carrickmines tragedy.

They were led by the President Michael D Higgins who expressed his condolences to the families and friends of those affected - describing it as "a most dreadful tragedy." 

President Higgins has asked to "be kept informed on this shocking event throughout the day."

The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin said the news was "heartbreaking for all in the Traveller and wider local community". He has asked that all those who have died and those injured and  their families  be remembered in prayer at all Masses in the Archdiocese this weekend 

 The Tánaiste Joan Burton said she was "deeply saddened to learn of the news this morning of the tragedy"

She wished those injured the very best with their recovery.

Local TD and Minister for Communications Alex White said he wanted to "commend the heroic efforts of our emergency services who with great courage and professionalism attend the scene of such desperate tragedy."

Fianna Fáil Leader Micheál Martin said: “This is an extremely shocking incident and I want to express my deepest sympathy to the families affected by this tragedy.





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