

Talks Taking Place Between The US And North Korea

President Trump has confirmed high-level talks are taking place between the US and North Korea. Spea...

7:17 AM - 18 Apr 2018

Talks Taking Place Between The...


Talks Taking Place Between The US And North Korea


7:17 AM - 18 Apr 2018

President Trump has confirmed high-level talks are taking place between the US and North Korea.

Speaking during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Mr Trump said he is trying to set up a summit with its leader Kim Jong Un.

The president has agreed to bring up the issue of Japanese people who have been allegedly abducted by the secretive state.

He claims that five locations are being considered within the secretive state for the meeting.

But he's still unsure if it will go ahead.

"We'll be having meetings with Kim Jong Un very soon, that'll be taking place probably in early June or a little before that - assuming things go well.

"It's possible things won't go well and we won't have the meetings and we'll just continue to go along this very strong path that we've taken.

"But we will see what happens".

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